Children and Young People
Mid-week activities

Messy Church has been running monthly at St John’s for the past 3 years, in the church between 2-4pm. This service is for families to come together and take part in crafts, singing, fun and food.
On April 12th we will be having our annual Easter egg hunt! You need to book in for this! Contact

The Toddler Group meets upstairs in church every Thursday during term-time between 9.15 and 10.30am. The cost is £1 per family to cover cost of refreshments.
To find out if there are places available at present please email Rev Emma

The church Youth Group at present meets once a fortnight on a Monday evening during term-time at church between 6.30-8pm for pupils in Years 6-10.
Dates for Spring term 2025:
Jan 13th and 27th; Feb 10th; March 3rd, 17th and 31st
We have games, challenges, crafts and opportunities to explore the Christian Faith together. It is free, but an annual consent form needs to be completed to attend.
If you require further details about any of these activities, please contact Revd Carol.